I have some thoughts.

Elena Tucker
3 min readJun 23, 2021
Photo by Juan Rumimpunu on Unsplash

I’ve been trying to be mindful — to be aware of my thoughts lately, and it’s almost as tedious as it sounds. The idea is nearly meditative — don’t dwell, don’t hold, just see your thoughts and let them go. And, I’ve decided to share some of my thoughts with you.

My state of Colorado is getting an unsavory reputation. Apparently, we’re breaking all the wrong records when it comes to mass shootings. That’s right — come for the marijuana, stay for the murders. I’m not saying the two are connected, at all. If anything, a stoner will never get high, then shoot anything (except a shooting glance at the refrigerator). They would certainly never open fire at a dispensary. First, there’s the thought of where is she or he going to get such good quality of pot as such reasonable prices? Second, there’s the organizational part of it that is just too complex if they’re high — getting the gun out . . . making sure it’s loaded . . . they’re not even angry, but they are getting hungry, snacking on Cheetos and falling asleep half off and half on the sofa watching one of the Harry Potter movies they’ve seen several times. Snape. Snape. Snape is a funny name, and they like Hollywood magic.

Thanks to Hollywood’s special effects, although none of us were there back then, all of us pretty much know the sound the mountains made as they erupted from the earth through plate tectonics. We also think we’d…



Elena Tucker

Writer and storyteller, immigrant, wife, mom, knitter, collector of jokes, lover of cheap, sweet wine.