Let’s go out to the movies.

Elena Tucker
4 min readAug 23, 2019
Photo by Lynda Sanchez on Unsplash

There are some movies that I have loved and will always love. They changed my vocabulary, my outlook on life and made me remember why I love writing in the first place. These are some of my favorite movies:

Raiders of the Lost Ark. I first saw this movie when it came out in theaters, the summer of 1981, with a few friends. To say that I was blown away is an understatement (please forgive the cliché). I walked out of the theater dazed. I already loved Harrison Ford for being Hans Solo and the cowboy in The Frisco Kid. One of my friends said, “And that music, it was so good!” I looked at him, baffled. “There was music?” I was too caught up in the action to even notice. I can now quote the entire movie (but unless I’m watching it alone, I don’t). The name has been changed to Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Whatever. I own this movie (one of a handful of movies I actually own that’s not a children’s movie) and re-watch it at least once a year. And after every watching, I always have the same thought — I wish I wrote this movie. It has everything — adventure, romance, mysticism, a heroin who can drink everyone under the table, a charming and handsome archeologist and Nazis who get their comeuppance in the end. Remember when Indy was challenged to a sword fight and he was tired so he just shot the guy? That was brilliant.



Elena Tucker

Writer and storyteller, immigrant, wife, mom, knitter, collector of jokes, lover of cheap, sweet wine.