Story 95 of 100

Elena Tucker
6 min readMay 21, 2023
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

A Sort of Reunion — Part 2

“Tell me, Mr. David Coltrane, what did you know and when did you know it?” Camilla asked.

“What? I don’t understand the question,” David was confused.

“I mean, was there a time when you knew you were going to make it big and how did you know you wanted to become a game designer?”

“I was good at it, it was easy and fun, I was full of ideas, and best of all — I had, and still have, good partners and friends, Brian Cantori and Julie Reznik. Without Brian and Jules, I’d still be nothing and nobody.

“You guys never fight?” Carmella was teasing, but David’s answer was absolutely serious.

“Never. Not once in all the times we’ve known each other have we ever fought. Never.”

“You’ve never disagreed on anything?”

“Disagreed? Sure, we’ve disagreed. But we’ve never argued. By that I mean we’ve never raised our voices to each other. We have never had a fight.”

Again, this earnestness. Carmella thought, he doesn’t care if I believe him or not. But he was absolutely serious on this.

“Why is that? Is this something you all agreed upon?” Carmella wanted to follow this lead because she felt like she had something there.



Elena Tucker

Writer and storyteller, immigrant, wife, mom, knitter, collector of jokes, lover of cheap, sweet wine.