Member-only story
The three little pigs — reimagined.
Once upon a time, there were three little brother pigs, called Nuff-nuff, Niff-niff and Naff-naff, who lived near each other.
A hungry wolf came upon the first pig’s house, the youngest brother, Naff-naff, whose house was made of straw. Smelling delicious pork, he yelled out to him, “Oh, piggy, come on out, I am mighty hungry and I want to eat you.”
Obviously hearing what the wolf had in mind for him, Naff-naff stayed put.
The wolf tried again, “Come out, come out, or I will huff, and I will puff, and I will blow your house down!”
The little pig shook with fear, but refused to come out. So the wolf huffed, and puffed and blew his little straw house down. Luckily, while the wolf was getting his breath back, Naff-naff managed to run away, to his older brother’s house. This was Niff-niff’s house, and it was made out of strong sticks.
The wolf ran after him, but didn’t catch him. However, now he could smell two piggies, so he loudly announced his intentions.
“Say, pigs, make it easy on me, would you? Come on out and let me eat you both.”
Naturally, the pigs did no such thing. The wolf yelled at them, “Come out, or I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!”